Carlos Santana
The Strokes
Rooney..( nt the soccer player hah...dun get e wrong idea )
hhhmmmm wat to wryt ( thinkin'.....)....
ok the story goes lyk dis....
ehem...sory gt sore throat a bit...haha...2dae went to s'pore art museum to do my final project for History of Arts....the museum was quite interesting..the paintings..the sculptures...all r frm the year 1945-1989 til todae...coz some of the art work they reproduce it again...i guez the work piece has faded or watsoever...took lots n lots of pix...but nt the paintings coz no camera r 2 be brought in to the gallery....i'm late for the trip coz i overslept..haha...yesterdae nyt nvr sleep...slack at my block area wif azrul zhul jabbar n arif...til 4am den went home to eat our last meal coz fasting tym wil start at 5:30....n end at 7:05...den break fast (yeeeepeee!!)...relax wif dem...play cards...we created our new game...memory blocks...using all 52 cards....i tink all of u pple shud try...dis game is super crazy....trying to remember evry pair of cards..omg!!...its really fun...haha...
5 daes of fasting is over..stil got 25 daes to go b4 hari raya....the fasting goes lyk dis...morning wake up ard 4:30....hv ur last meal den aftr 5:30, no more food...we r expected to do good deeds during the month of Ramadhan...n of coz PRAY!!!!...dis is a MUST!!...otherwise u wil make more SIN in ur life....den at 7:05...its tym to break fast....eat eat eat but u cant eat til u're damn full...u cant do tat...den went for nite prayer...frm 8:15 to ard 9:30....n den tats it...one full dae of fasting is done...nt to forget ur prayer.....
5 daes of fasting had been done n stil going strong....hehe
to all my peeps...til here..gtg
tc =)
*hhhmmmm....feel lyk ders sumting missing in lyf....haiz*
You Are Creepy |
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You Are An ENTJ |
![]() You are a natural leader - with confidence and strength that inspires others. Driven to succeed, you are always looking for ways to gain, power, knowledge, and expertise. Sometimes you aren't the most considerate person, especially to those who are a bit slow. You are not easily intimidated - and you have a commanding, awe-inspiring presence. In love, you hold high standards... for yourself, for your relationship, and for your significant other. While it's easy for you to impress others, it's hard for you to find someone who impresses you. At work, you are organized and good at delegating. You understand how to achieve goals. You would make a great CEO, entrepreneur, or consultant. How you see yourself: Rational, calm, and objective When other people don't get you, they see you as: Inflexible, controlling, and overbearing |
You Have A Type B+ Personality |
You're a pro at going with the flow You love to kick back and take in everything life has to offer A total joy to be around, people crave your stability. While you're totally laid back, you can have bouts of hyperactivity. Get into a project you love, and you won't stop until it's done You're passionate - just selective about your passions |
Monday, September 17, 2007
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Yeah!!!!!....finally all of my project had been done...no more sketches to b done...notin to worry abt...ive passed all my subjects...ffuuhhh...its worth all the tym tat ive sped doin my project...aftr 2 daes of sleepless nite, now i can relax, sleep n slack coz skool's closed.....yaahhooo!!!...nw i nid to get back to werk n earned as much money as i can coz im broke at the tym being...haiz so sad....Nw fasting month had juz started....so i can save a bit of my money for my license..cant wait to get my license...heheh....
til here...takin care
Yeah!!!!!....finally all of my project had been done...no more sketches to b done...notin to worry abt...ive passed all my subjects...ffuuhhh...its worth all the tym tat ive sped doin my project...aftr 2 daes of sleepless nite, now i can relax, sleep n slack coz skool's closed.....yaahhooo!!!...nw i nid to get back to werk n earned as much money as i can coz im broke at the tym being...haiz so sad....Nw fasting month had juz started....so i can save a bit of my money for my license..cant wait to get my license...heheh....
til here...takin care
Sunday, September 9, 2007
i'm so worn out...got 2days of soccer competition..my finger was dislocated wen i tried to stop the ball....the guy shoot damn strong...dive n try to save...but im so unlucky the ball hit my finger n went in...my team lost at the quarter final stage...wat to do...its our fate...im so damn tired...body aching evrywhr....coz long tym nvr play soccer...since for the past 2 months...last played was for swensens...in business league friendly....yeah...we meant business....
fridae nite wen clubbing...i tot of nt goin...but pity my werk fren...coz one of my werk colleague first tym goin wid us...so i juz go wif the flow....enjoy myself at the club....wif all my frenz ard xcept for two whu didnt manage to go....tat nyt the club was damn happening....crowded...coz sumtyms the club was not so crowded lyk yesterdae...hardly felt the air-con..so hot....
wen home at abt 4..sleep wake up at 7 n went for soccer again...tats y i felt so tired...no energy to play...so i juz play as a goalkeeper..i got a clean sheet for myself...yeah...coz theres no conceded goals...im the best keeper ever!!..haha..til wen i switch wif one of my fren....we lose 1-0...i said to my fren...if i noe dis was goin to happen..juz let me b the keeper...but nvrm....its fate...wat to do...haiz....so wasted....
den went home at ard 4:30....relax.....n i fell asleep....actually tat dae i went out for wendy's bdae...lucky shaiful call me..otherwise tats it...i nvr come..cher was the one whu plan dis outtin...we ate at tamp safra....had buffet...the food was nice....i lyk...yeah yeah....den went for bowling...aftr tat at the bowling place...me derek desmond bear sabo wendy....wendy's reaction was very funny..hehe...aftr tat went home...mit my fren at tnh mera coz he staying over at my house....do my project...slept at 6 in the morning....wake at 3....so restless....cant continue my project....restless....very very restless...
til here...byez
i'm so worn out...got 2days of soccer competition..my finger was dislocated wen i tried to stop the ball....the guy shoot damn strong...dive n try to save...but im so unlucky the ball hit my finger n went in...my team lost at the quarter final stage...wat to do...its our fate...im so damn tired...body aching evrywhr....coz long tym nvr play soccer...since for the past 2 months...last played was for swensens...in business league friendly....yeah...we meant business....
fridae nite wen clubbing...i tot of nt goin...but pity my werk fren...coz one of my werk colleague first tym goin wid us...so i juz go wif the flow....enjoy myself at the club....wif all my frenz ard xcept for two whu didnt manage to go....tat nyt the club was damn happening....crowded...coz sumtyms the club was not so crowded lyk yesterdae...hardly felt the air-con..so hot....
wen home at abt 4..sleep wake up at 7 n went for soccer again...tats y i felt so tired...no energy to play...so i juz play as a goalkeeper..i got a clean sheet for myself...yeah...coz theres no conceded goals...im the best keeper ever!!..haha..til wen i switch wif one of my fren....we lose 1-0...i said to my fren...if i noe dis was goin to happen..juz let me b the keeper...but nvrm....its fate...wat to do...haiz....so wasted....
den went home at ard 4:30....relax.....n i fell asleep....actually tat dae i went out for wendy's bdae...lucky shaiful call me..otherwise tats it...i nvr come..cher was the one whu plan dis outtin...we ate at tamp safra....had buffet...the food was nice....i lyk...yeah yeah....den went for bowling...aftr tat at the bowling place...me derek desmond bear sabo wendy....wendy's reaction was very funny..hehe...aftr tat went home...mit my fren at tnh mera coz he staying over at my house....do my project...slept at 6 in the morning....wake at 3....so restless....cant continue my project....restless....very very restless...
til here...byez
Thursday, September 6, 2007
story of the dae...
2dae didnt go skool...have to finish up my project....stil got a lot to b done...err i guess nt really tat much...left 10 more sketches to do....8 pix on a4 n 2 pix on a2....hope to finish as soon as possible....but theres one prob....i got no printer!!!!...shat....wake up at 1..get myslef cleaned up...shaiful jam n syed cane to ma house....slack...ask syed to reboot my comp..so many virus inside....den whem simpang to hv my lunch at ard 4pm coz ma mum nvr cook....shes bz wif her werk...den went to siglap starbucks to do our sketches n chill....yeah...
haiz so long nvr go jamming...i wanna JAM!!!!....miz the olden daes of jamming...
YEAH!!!!!!!!....SKOOL HOLIDAE IS COMIN.....YAHHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!.....finally i had a break frm skool....so stresss....im lookin forward to dis....
2mw go clubbin wif all my werk colleague...yeah yeah....long tym nvr go clubbin...its been 5 months....haha...go clubbin n chill....no sins here...me a gud boy.nvr do aniting dirty...haha...trust me....no drinking...sae no to alchohol(..is tat the ryt spelling???...haha)....nx wed is my practical for motorbyk....cant wait to get my license...
oritey den...til here....take care pple...have a nice dae...=]
story of the dae...
2dae didnt go skool...have to finish up my project....stil got a lot to b done...err i guess nt really tat much...left 10 more sketches to do....8 pix on a4 n 2 pix on a2....hope to finish as soon as possible....but theres one prob....i got no printer!!!!...shat....wake up at 1..get myslef cleaned up...shaiful jam n syed cane to ma house....slack...ask syed to reboot my comp..so many virus inside....den whem simpang to hv my lunch at ard 4pm coz ma mum nvr cook....shes bz wif her werk...den went to siglap starbucks to do our sketches n chill....yeah...
haiz so long nvr go jamming...i wanna JAM!!!!....miz the olden daes of jamming...
YEAH!!!!!!!!....SKOOL HOLIDAE IS COMIN.....YAHHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!.....finally i had a break frm skool....so stresss....im lookin forward to dis....
2mw go clubbin wif all my werk colleague...yeah yeah....long tym nvr go clubbin...its been 5 months....haha...go clubbin n chill....no sins here...me a gud boy.nvr do aniting dirty...haha...trust me....no drinking...sae no to alchohol(..is tat the ryt spelling???...haha)....nx wed is my practical for motorbyk....cant wait to get my license...
oritey den...til here....take care pple...have a nice dae...=]
Sunday, September 2, 2007
ders alwaes a new story evrydae
haizz....damn tired lar...morning wake up at 9:30 n get ready for werk...wait for Jam at tana mera den go werk 2gdr gdr....reach my outlet change....get ready...a few minutes later, my manager called me to the office....i ask her y...she sae juz go into the office...i said "dun wan...l8r u rape me"...hahaha....went in hv a talk...n guess wat...my manager has increase my pay...YYAAAAHHHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....aftr 8 months werkking in swensens...finally my pay has increased....ffuhhh....2dae there's a bdae party at the outlet...so its quite pack...n pple r queuing up to hv their lunch....me at the ice cream area was lyk a mad person....order keep on cummin in...lucky i noe to cntrl dis type of situation...ehem.....
finish werk at 5....hv my lunch....i hvnt ate frm morning...damn hungry...my lunch ic at 5pm....unbelievable....feel lyk i'm fasting oredy...den wen out wif my werk frenz....plae pool at bugiz....wahhh...for the pass 3 daes, i've been plaeing pool all along...wif diff frenz....plae for abt one hr n a half....den went home...coz my fren felt tired oredy coz he werk frm 7-5....den i oso gt assignment to finish....i tot go home rest bout 10 mins den start doin...but aftr reaching home bath rest...lie down on my bed n fell asleep...haha....wake up at 11...start my assignment....til nw...stop a while to rite on my rockstar novel...
alritey den pple...til here...nid to continue my project....
take care...dun take drugs...if wan to take drug, ask me along...hahaha
ders alwaes a new story evrydae
haizz....damn tired lar...morning wake up at 9:30 n get ready for werk...wait for Jam at tana mera den go werk 2gdr gdr....reach my outlet change....get ready...a few minutes later, my manager called me to the office....i ask her y...she sae juz go into the office...i said "dun wan...l8r u rape me"...hahaha....went in hv a talk...n guess wat...my manager has increase my pay...YYAAAAHHHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....aftr 8 months werkking in swensens...finally my pay has increased....ffuhhh....2dae there's a bdae party at the outlet...so its quite pack...n pple r queuing up to hv their lunch....me at the ice cream area was lyk a mad person....order keep on cummin in...lucky i noe to cntrl dis type of situation...ehem.....
finish werk at 5....hv my lunch....i hvnt ate frm morning...damn hungry...my lunch ic at 5pm....unbelievable....feel lyk i'm fasting oredy...den wen out wif my werk frenz....plae pool at bugiz....wahhh...for the pass 3 daes, i've been plaeing pool all along...wif diff frenz....plae for abt one hr n a half....den went home...coz my fren felt tired oredy coz he werk frm 7-5....den i oso gt assignment to finish....i tot go home rest bout 10 mins den start doin...but aftr reaching home bath rest...lie down on my bed n fell asleep...haha....wake up at 11...start my assignment....til nw...stop a while to rite on my rockstar novel...
alritey den pple...til here...nid to continue my project....
take care...dun take drugs...if wan to take drug, ask me along...hahaha
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